Taking advantage of the opportunities provided by technological evolution to meet growing customer expectations
Our Fintech team offers expertise and a multidisciplinary approach to assist clients of the financial, insurance, telecommunications and technology sectors, including payment and e-cash service providers, exchange and investment platforms, start-ups and investors.
Our assistance is cross-disciplinary, and together with our clients we assist with the design and implementation of legal solutions that develop projects and operations ranging from payment services, cryptocurrencies, smart contracts and distributed
ledger technologies (blockchain or DLT), to more complex activities such as algo-trading, robo-advice, artificial intelligence and robotics, for which technology requires a comprehensive assessment of the balance of interests, both from a regulatory and a contractual perspective.
Our assistance extends to the world of Insurtech, offering support on regulatory and contractual aspects to innovators who are revolutionizing the insurance world, through professionals with longstanding expertise on privacy, intellectual property, and information technology.
Ughi e Nunziante legal advisor to Munich Re in the MGA with Global Assistance and Wopta