To tackle the energy crisis, the “Aiuti quarter” law decree (no. 176/2022), published in the Official Gazette (Gazzetta Ufficiale) last Friday and came into force Saturday, November 19, introduced a provision (the so-called “Sblocca-Trivelle”), which limits the current ban on the exploration of gas fields at sea, already subjected to several regulatory interventions over the last years.
The new provision contained in Article 4 (“Measures to increase natural gas production”), establishes that:
Therefore, the exemptions are valid only for gas production concessions (not for liquid hydrocarbon permits) and, in particular, for sites characterised by a high mining potential (the deposit with a capacity of more than 500 million cubic metres).
According to the Government’s estimates, an additional 15 billion cubic metres of gas in ten years will be available, to be allocated to Italy’s energy-intensive companies. The regulated price will fall within a range of between 50 and 100 Euros per megawatt hour, a much lower value than the approximately 153 Euros, which is the current benchmark for the Italian market.
The “Aiuti quarter” law decree may be subject to any changes at the time of conversion into law, which must take place within 60 days of its entry into force, therefore by 18 January 2023.