The law firm Ughi e Nunziante has assisted Munich Re, world leader in the field of reinsurance, in the sale of Syncronos Italia to DUAL Italia, a company part of the British group Hyperion.
Founded in 2009 in joint venture between Reale Mutua and Munich Re, and controlled by the latter, Synkronos Italia was the first MGA – Managing General Agent incorporated in Italy.
The parties will continue to cooperate according to agency contracts. In particular, Great Lakes Insurance SE, part of the Munich Re Group, and Italiana Assicurazioni, a company of the Reale Mutua Group, have confirmed their support in the engineering, fine arts and benefits sectors.
Munich Re was assisted by Ughi and Nunziante with partner Filippo Mazza and associates Dino Serafini and Chiara Puma, by associates Floriana Galatola and Riccardo Maraga, and for privacy / GDPR aspects by partner Agostino Clemente and associates Fabio Vignola and Mariantonietta Russo.