Real World Questions:
Court Decisions:
1.1) PREMABLE: existing types of Green Pass Certificate
On March 31, 2022, the state of emergency ended and as a result many of the restrictive measures previously adopted to contain the pandemic have been progressively abandoned. For this purpose, the Law by Decree No. 24/2022 (“Reopening Decree” or, in Italian, “Decreto Riaperture”) has been issued, brining many changes, especially in reference to the Green Pass requirements.
To fully comprehend these incoming changes, however, the following distinctions must be kept in mind:
1.2) End of the Green Pass Certificate Requirements
Until April 30, 2022, a Super Green Pass Certificate was required to enter the following indoor locations: gyms, swimming pools, spas, convention centres, cultural centres, social and recreational centres, parties of any kind, arcades/gaming halls, betting halls, bingos, casinos, ballrooms, nightclubs, public events and sporting events, as well as to perform any team or contact sport.
Furthermore, until April 30 2022, a Basic Green Pass Certificate was required to enter the following indoor locations: cafeterias, restaurants (with the exception of hotel restaurants, that required a Basic Green Pass even if located outdoor), public competitions, training classes and to carry out in-person interviews with inmates, as well as to participate in outdoor public shows, sporting competitions and events.
This being said, as of May 1, 2022, no Green Pass Certificate is required for any of the above activities, as well as practicing sports; entering shops, restaurants, businesses, public offices, museums, and hotels; or using local public transportation, including subways, buses and trams.
1.3) Employment focus
The Reopening Decree provides for new regulations concerning employment in Italy, with the COVID-related state of emergency ended on March 31, 2022, and that the Green Pass Certificate is no longer required in the vast majority of cases. These regulations can be summarized as follows:
The “Family Act” is an innovative bill aimed at counteracting the steady decline in births in Italy through family policies, training and youth empowerment, the strengthening of the welfare system, the so-called universal unique allowance, better support with regard to the expenses due to children’s education, revision of parental leave with a better balance between work and childcare for both parents, as well as measures to encourage women’s employment.
Some of the most interesting provisions of the Family Act can be summarised as follows:
Can the employer freely withdraw from a smart working agreement?
The Italian legislation on smart working (contained in Law 81/2017 and the Protocol of 7 December 2021) provides for two types of smart working agreement, with different rules concerning withdrawal.
Both the employer and the employee that enter an open-ended smart working agreement can withdraw from it by giving no less than thirty days’ notice. In the case of a worker with certified disabilities, the notice due by the employer that chooses to terminate the smart working agreement is raised to a minimum of ninety days, to better support the additional needs of this kind of worker. In the presence of a justified reason, each of the entering parties can withdraw without notice from an open-ended agreement.
Concerning fixed-term smart working agreements, it is not possible for either the employer, or the employee, to withdraw from such agreements before their natural expiry date unless a justified reason is provided by the withdrawing party, in which case no notice period needs to be given to the other party.
In conclusion, employers cannot freely withdraw from open-ended smart working agreements without giving the employee the required minimum notice, unless there is a justified reason. On the other hand, employers may withdraw from fixed-term smart working agreements before their expiry date only if they can provide the affected employee with a justified reason, in which case no notice period is needed.
Can trial periods and notice periods be agreed upon in fixed-term employment contracts?
First of all, pursuant to the Italian Employment legislation, notice and trial periods are defined by the applicable National Collective Bargaining Agreement (“CBA”) and depend on each employee’s job level as it is described in the applied CBA. This being said, individual employment contracts can provide for notice and probation periods that differ from those already provided under the applied CBA, but only if these provisions are more favourable to the employee. In other words, an individual employment contract can only provide for a longer notice period (in case of termination) or a shorter probation period than those provided under the applied CBA.
Concerning fixed-term employment contracts, the following must be noted:
Supreme Court, judgement of April 11, 2022, No. 11665
On the subject of disciplinary dismissal, subordinate workers hired before March 7, 2015 benefit from a more protective set of rules, contained in Article 18 of the Workers’ statute.
In particular, these workers can be reinstated when their unlawful conduct can be ascribed to those that are punishable with a conservative disciplinary measure (i.e. anything that does not result in the employee’s disciplinary dismissal) pursuant to the National Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) that is applied to them.
Some CBAs however, are particularly vague when describing what conducts should result in a disciplinary dismissal and what should instead be punished with a lighter measure (such as a fine or, in the most severe cases, a suspension from work without pay) and, until this particular ruling, the Supreme Court traditionally treated the reinstatement of the workers as a residual option, to be issued only whenever the relevant conduct could not be precisely attributed to CBA provisions that provides for a conservative measure instead of a disciplinary dismissal.
This being said, in this recent ruling the Supreme Court drastically changed its habits, this time stating that the Labour Judge can apply conservative disciplinary measures against employees even when the “softer” CBA provisions use general or elastic clauses to describe the respective conducts and, therefore, treating the worker’s reinstatement not as a residual option, but as the main remedy in cases such as this.
Supreme Court, judgement of March 25, 2022, No. 9800
Pursuant to Italian Employment Legislation, employers must issue a specific communication to the appointed Regional Labour Office when executing a collective dismissal, containing for each terminated employee his/her name, place of residence, position, level of employment, age, family burdens, as well as precise details of the methods used to apply the criteria previously discussed with the Trade Unions in the context of a collective dismissal procedure by which said employee was dismissed instead of his/her other colleagues.
On this regard the Supreme Court recently stated that the purpose of the abovementioned communication should be identified in the need to control not only the effectiveness of the choices made by the employer, but also the way in which the abovementioned criteria previously agreed with the Unions were actually applied.
Furthermore, the Court also stated that if the abovementioned communication is so generic that it prevents the affected workers from understanding why they, and not their other colleagues, have been dismissed and, therefore, how they could challenge the employer’s decision to dismiss them, the affected workers should be reinstated (and not only indemnified), because such scenario would be comparable to a clear violation of the agreed selection criteria, for which the relevant legislation provide for the reintegration of the employees.