Who’s Who Legal recognizes Partner Giuseppe de Falco

Ughi e Nunziante announced today that Who’s Who Legal has recognized Partner Giuseppe De Falco as a National Leader in Banking and Finance. Who’s Who notes that, “Giuseppe De Falco is known to be extremely proficient in real estate structured financing and derivative instruments, and also in assisting clients in banking-related litigation.”

The WWL research process is based on recommendations and feedback from eminent private practitioners in the sector or industry in question as well as from corporate counsel or other clients who have worked closely with the nominees.

Who’s Who Legal recognizes Partners Daniela De Pasquale and Massimiliano Pappalardo

Ughi e Nunziante announced today that Who’s Who Legal has recognized two of the firm’s partners for excellence in the areas of data privacy and protection and IP issues pertaining to new technologies. The WWL research process is based on recommendations and feedback from eminent private practitioners in the sector or industry in question as well as from corporate counsel or other clients who have worked closely with the nominees.

Recognized Partners:

  • Daniela De Pasquale comes highly recommended by sources for her strong experience in data privacy and protection regulation.
    Global Leader: Data – Data Privacy & Protection 2020, Data – Information Technology 2020
    National Leader: Italy – Data 2020
  • Massimiliano Pappalardo is “an outstanding lawyer” with over 20 years’ experience in complex IP issues pertaining to new technologies, as well as data protection matters.
    Global Leader: Data – Data Privacy & Protection 2020, Data – Information Technology 2020
    National Leader: Italy – Data 2020

A Marcello Gioscia il premio all’eccellenza di TopLegal Awards

In occasione della sesta edizione del TopLegal Award, conclusasi il 19 novembre a Milano, è stato assegnato a Marcello Gioscia, senior partner di Ughi e Nunziante, il premio all’eccellenza. Il premio, che ha visto la partecipazione di oltre 70 studi e oltre 600 persone, è dedicato all’eccellenza del mondo legale italiano ed è stato assegnato da una giuria composta da professionisti di spicco del mondo aziendale e finanziario italiano.